May Challenges

I just wanted to give a quick update since it’s been a while since my last post. I’ve chosen to partake in two challenges for May through Recharge, the Herbalife nutrition club I go to. The first is a 10 Day Fat Blast Challenge focusing on nutrition by way of using the Herbalife meal replacement shakes and limiting calorie intake. Today is the end of Day 2. I can’t say that I feel much better than the last few days before the challenge, but I don’t feel any worse either. I’ll post an update of pounds & body fat percentage lost and any increase in lean body mass at the end of the 10 days. The second challenge is also through Recharge. It’s a Fit Challenge that lasts through May 30th, and is fitness focused. Recharge will be running free full body workouts Monday, Wednesday, Friday and every other Saturday. In addition I’ll be doing cardio, strength training, and yoga on my own. The goal of this challenge is to lose body fat and gain lean body mass.

For the Fit Challenge, everyone participating took metrics last night. In addition to measurements and a body fat scan, we recorded how many pushups and situps we could do in a minute as well as how quickly we could run a mile. As you all know one of my goals is to run a 7 minute mile. I’m breaking that down for myself into smaller goals: 10 minutes, 9 minutes, 8 minutes, and ultimately 7 minutes. With trying to increase my endurance to help with my asthma and longer distances, I’ve been running about 15 minute miles. Yes, it’s slow, but it’s still running. Yesterday I surprised myself by running a 12:26 mile. As much as I’m proud of myself for that time, I’m also a bit bummed by realizing that I know my legs could go farther and faster, but my lungs aren’t allowing me to breathe properly to continue pushing my legs. It’s a little disheartening to know that something so out of your control like asthma is slowing your progress, but I’m sure that by the end of May when we redo metrics, I’m sure that I will be seeing some improvements.

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