May Challenges

I just wanted to give a quick update since it’s been a while since my last post. I’ve chosen to partake in two challenges for May through Recharge, the Herbalife nutrition club I go to. The first is a 10 Day Fat Blast Challenge focusing on nutrition by way of using the Herbalife meal replacement shakes and limiting calorie intake. Today is the end of Day 2. I can’t say that I feel much better than the last few days before the challenge, but I don’t feel any worse either. I’ll post an update of pounds & body fat percentage lost and any increase in lean body mass at the end of the 10 days. The second challenge is also through Recharge. It’s a Fit Challenge that lasts through May 30th, and is fitness focused. Recharge will be running free full body workouts Monday, Wednesday, Friday and every other Saturday. In addition I’ll be doing cardio, strength training, and yoga on my own. The goal of this challenge is to lose body fat and gain lean body mass.

For the Fit Challenge, everyone participating took metrics last night. In addition to measurements and a body fat scan, we recorded how many pushups and situps we could do in a minute as well as how quickly we could run a mile. As you all know one of my goals is to run a 7 minute mile. I’m breaking that down for myself into smaller goals: 10 minutes, 9 minutes, 8 minutes, and ultimately 7 minutes. With trying to increase my endurance to help with my asthma and longer distances, I’ve been running about 15 minute miles. Yes, it’s slow, but it’s still running. Yesterday I surprised myself by running a 12:26 mile. As much as I’m proud of myself for that time, I’m also a bit bummed by realizing that I know my legs could go farther and faster, but my lungs aren’t allowing me to breathe properly to continue pushing my legs. It’s a little disheartening to know that something so out of your control like asthma is slowing your progress, but I’m sure that by the end of May when we redo metrics, I’m sure that I will be seeing some improvements.


It’s been a little bit since I’ve posted. And I hate to admit it, but I’ve been slacking in my C25K training, though I have been doing a lot of cardio to help with my endurance. I’ll be getting back on track with C25K on Saturday. My legs are in need of a rest day tomorrow. In other news though, in 3 weeks I’m down 5.4 lbs and have lost a total of 4.25 inches… 2 inches in my under bust, 1.25 inches in my waist and 1 inch in my hips.

I can feel my knee getting stronger even though after some of the more leg intensive workouts, I can still feel it pop, it’s not nearly as bad. The next set of pole classes starts April 27th, which I won’t be participating in. I want to gain a little more knee strength, and hopefully overall strength first, not to mention losing more weight. But I plan on enrolling again for the sessions that will start in June. I’m really looking forward to it. The Herbalife fitness club that I go to gets a lot of credit for my success this last month. It’s such an amazingly supportive group of people I’m proud to call friends, and who can argue with free full-body workouts? I’m not huge on the idea of drinking my meals, but I am considering taking their 10 Day Fat Blast Challenge in May, which involves drinking the Herbalife shakes and sticking to a lower calorie goal for the day + eating back any exercise calories. I don’t have all the details of the Challenge yet, but I’ll certainly keep you all updated.

Reality Check

As a single 23 year old looking to start school full-time and working two mentally and physically stressful jobs, most people would describe me as a workaholic. I like to think of it as being hardworking in pursuit of my goals, though there are times when I think of it more in terms of not wanting to be poor – something we can all relate to these days. Even though I know my work ethic and the job experience I’m gaining are helping me get closer to a financially stable and rewarding career, I’m also beginning to realize what my friends have been telling me for years: I work too much. Don’t get me wrong though. Both of my jobs (one full-time, one part-time) have me caring for developmentally disabled adults in their homes, and I absolutely love it. I feel very lucky that three years ago I fell into a job that I love at the young age of 20. I wouldn’t trade the experience this field of work has provided me for anything. That being said, though, I have been trading away my free-time in exchange for a paycheck that I rarely spend on anything fun. And I guess that’s where this blog comes in. One thing I’ve learned these past few years is that I’m a really good planner… as long as those plans aren’t for my own life. In my own life I’ve been more of a dreamer. I’ve always believed in the power and reality of everyone else’s dreams; however, I guess it’s only been a recent discovery for me that my own dreams can be a reality. In the short 23 years I’ve been alive I’ve had to very quickly learn some of the harsh lessons this life has to teach, and until this year, I’ve let those things skew how I viewed what I can accomplish. Sob stories aside, I’m now understanding that I need to turn my own dreams into plans. In terms of physical fitness and general health I’m a resolutioner this year. What can I say? I’m a sucker for “new beginnings” as they were. I’m proud to say that since January 1st, I’ve lost nearly 20 lbs, and I’m still going strong. Weight loss has always been one of those dreams I never really believed in the reality of before. But as I’ve made progress these last two months, I’m starting to ask myself, “Why not?” Why not go skydiving? Why not travel? Why not take a naked yoga class? So I made a list, and you guessed it… all of those are on it. Perhaps it’s a bit cliche, but I’ve chosen 30 things to do before I turn 30. If you’ve made it this far,  I’m sure you’re waiting to see what made the list. So without further ado…

  1. Take pole dance classes
  2. Take boxing lessons
  3. Take belly dance classes
  4. Go skydiving
  5. Take ballroom dance classes
  6. Run a 7 minute mile
  7. Run a 5K
  8. Run a 10K
  9. Finish LPN program
  10. Finish LPN to ASN program
  11. Finish ASN to BSN program
  12. Take sign language classes
  13. Finish therapeutic massage certificate
  14. Visit Albuquerque Balloon Festival
  15. Visit Nantucket
  16. Visit Sequoia National Park
  17. Visit Maine
  18. Travel abroad
  19. Learn to ski
  20. Learn to snowboard
  21. Ride a zipline
  22. Finish my reading list
  23. Host a dinner party
  24. Host a Sunday brunch
  25. Participate in a poetry reading
  26. Sing karaoke
  27. Take a naked yoga class
  28. Learn to drive stick shift
  29. Buy a house
  30. Change someone’s life for the better

Every item on this list is something that I have been wanting to do for some time, but the majority of them are pretty far out of my comfort zone. I’m sure there are a few on here that will even surprise my friends (Hey, friends! Surprise!) I’ll explain some of my choices in later posts. For now… I’m off to nap before work!